[3D Perception] Workspace configuration

Workspace configuration for 3D perception practical sessions.

Practical session #1 requires the installation of CloudCompare as well as Python3 and some dependencies. Practical session #2 only requires Python. This post describes the procedures for installing Miniconda3 to set up virtual environments dedicated to both sessions, installing CloudCompare for #1 and downloading the portable version of VS Code to run the codes in debug mode.

Arborescence des TPs

Start by setting up the file tree:

mkdir <path/to/directory>/3DPerception
mkdir <path/to/directory>/3DPerception/1_Segmentation
mkdir <path/to/directory>/3DPerception/2_Localisation

Download the files for #1 and #2 on Moodle and extract them into the corresponding folders:

Practical sessions file tree

Dependencies installation


On Ubuntu, CloudCompare is installed via a simple snap command (for other distributions, it may be necessary to install snap beforehand):

snap install cloudcompare


Launch CloudCompare (the main software, not the Viewer) and open data01.xyz to check your installation.

On Windows, you can download the installer at http://www.danielgm.net/cc/release/. Choose the stable release installer.


Be careful to choose the right versions for Python 3 !

Miniconda offers a light version of Python and allows to manage virtual environments. Download and install the version corresponding to your installation, e.g. for a 64 bits Linux :

cd <path/to/directory>/Perception3D
wget https://repo.anaconda.com/miniconda/Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh
chmod 755 Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh

Follow the console instructions: press Enter, accept the license, specify the installation folder and agree to initialize Miniconda.For clarity, I have installed it in the TP folder but you can install it somewhere else if you intend to use Miniconda elsewhere.

Welcome to Miniconda3 py38_4.9.2

In order to continue the installation process, please review the license
Please, press ENTER to continue
End User License Agreement - Anaconda Individual Edition

Copyright 2015-2020, Anaconda, Inc.
Do you accept the license terms? [yes|no]
[no] >>> yes

Miniconda3 will now be installed into this location:

  - Press ENTER to confirm the location
  - Press CTRL-C to abort the installation
  - Or specify a different location below

[/home/claire/miniconda3] >>> <path/to/directory>/3DPerception/miniconda3
Do you wish the installer to initialize Miniconda3
by running conda init? [yes|no]
[no] >>> yes

Open a new terminal, the Miniconda base environment should be enabled. Install matplotlib, numpy and scikit-learn libraries.

    (base) claire@claire:~/Bureau/3DPerception$ conda install matplotlib numpy scikit-learn

On Windows, you can download the Miniconda installer at https://repo.anaconda.com/miniconda/Miniconda3-latest-Windows-x86_64.exe.


Download the .tar.gz installation file for your system at https://code.visualstudio.com/download#, unzip it and run VSCode:

VSCode download

tar -xvf code-stable-x64-1605051992.tar.gz

On Windows, simply choose the installer that suits your configuration.

In VSCode, install the “Python” extension via the menu View > Extensions :

Python extension install

Then open the command palette with Ctrl+Shift+P and type Python: Select Interpreter; click on it and specify the location of your installation Python 3.8.X 64-bit ('base':conda):

Command palette Interpreter selection

Ready, set, go!

Claire Labit-Bonis
Computer vision and AI engineer


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