[3D Perception] 3D segmentation and object shape checking based on RGB-D sensor

3D objects quality control.

Session goals

This practical session aims at performing 3D segmentation and shape checking on polyhedral objects, i.e. checking if these objects are correct with respect to a reference geometrical model and/or have defects (holes, residues, etc.).

Objects to compare

To do this, we must first build this reference model from an RGB-D image of a defect-free object. Then, for any view of an unknown (also called “test”) object, we must segment it from the background and compare it with the reference model. This process of checking the shape must be independent of the viewpoint and, This shape verification process must be viewpoint independent and therefore requires the registration of each associated point cloud against the reference one.

We propose to break this objective down into three steps:

  • step 1 : extract the 3D points of the objects to be compared (both reference and test objects) by deleting all the points of the scene not belonging to the object. To avoid a redundant process, this step will be performed only on the reference scene contained in data01.xyz; this has already been done on the objects to be tested, and stored in the files data02_object.xyz and data03_object.xyz.
  • step 2 : register the points of each test object to the reference model in order to compare them i.e. align their respective 3D point clouds to the reference coordinate frame.
  • step 3 : compare the control and reference models and conclude on the potential flaws of the control models.

Step 1: 3D model extraction from the reference scene

The first step of the practical session consists in extracting the point cloud of the reference model from the RGB-D scene acquired with a Kinect :

Reference model extraction

This step aims at tracing a plane surface on the ground plane, and only keeping the center box by calculating the distance of each of its points from this plane, before applying a filtering threshold.

To do this, open CloudCompare (the main program, not the viewer) and import the points of the data01.xyz scene. Select the cloud by clicking on it in the workspace. Using the segmentation tool (Edit > Segment, or directly the “scissors” shortcut in the shortcut bar), divide the cloud into three subsets in order to extract the ground plane and a rough area around the box. The result is shown in the following figure:

Division of the scene into three clouds

In CloudCompare, to work on a point cloud, the corresponding line must be selected in the workspace. You know if the cloud is selected when a yellow box is displayed around it.

Checking the box does not select the cloud, it simply makes it visible/invisible in the display.

Create a surface fitting the ground plane cloud using the Tools > Fit > Plane tool. By selecting the newly created plane and the cloud that contains the box, it is now possible to calculate, for each of the points of this cloud, its distance to the plane using the Tools > Distances > Cloud/Mesh Distance tool:

Plane surface and distance

The distance tool adds a fourth field to each point of the cloud: the newly calculated distance. Using the cloud properties, filter the points with respect to this scalar field to keep only the points belonging to the box :

Filtering by the distance to the plane

By clicking on split, two clouds are created, corresponding to the two sides of the filter:

Extracted box

Make sure that the newly created cloud contains about 10,000 points (the number of points is accessible in the properties panel on the left).

Delete the distance scalar field via Edit > Scalar fields > Delete. Only select the box cloud before saving it in ASCII Cloud format as data01_segmented.xyz in your data folder.

As a precaution, save your CloudCompare project: remember to select all point clouds, and save the project in CloudCompare format.

Step 2: 3D points registration

If you have opened the complete scenes data02.xyz and data03.xyz in CloudCompare, you will have noticed that each scene was taken from a slightly different point of view, and that the objects themselves have moved:

Different views of the scenes

In order to compare the models between them, we propose to overlay them and to calculate their cumulative distance point to point. The smaller this distance, the more the models overlap and resemble each other; the larger it is, the more the models differ. The following example shows the superposition of the correct model on the previously extracted reference model:

ICP applied to the correct model

Transforming the points of a model via a rotation/translation matrix to overlay it on another cloud is called point registration. The Iterative Closest Point algorithm allows this registration, and we propose to use it in Python. The code to be modified is only in qualitycheck.py, the goal being to apply ICP on both the correct model data02_object.xyz, and on the faulty model data03_object.xyz.

Loading models

The first part of the code loads the .xyz models extracted with CloudCompare, stores the reference model in the ref variable and the model to be compared in the data variable. To run the code on either data02_object or data03_object, just comment out the corresponding line (22 or 23).

Loading models

ICP call

The second part of the code consists in coding the call to the icp function of the icp library…

ICP call

…and store the return of the function in the variables T, errors, iterations and total_time as defined by the function definition header in the file icp.py :

ICP function header

Model transformation

The T transformation matrix from ICP is the homogeneous passage matrix that allows us to map the data model, passed as a parameter to the icp function, onto the ref model. As a reminder, the application of a homogeneous matrix to transform a set of points from an initial reference frame $\mathcal{R_i}$ to a final reference frame $\mathcal{R_f}$ is performed as follows:

$$P_f^{(4 \times N)} = T^{(4 \times 4)} . P_i^{(4 \times N)}$$

In the code, the third part consists in applying the transformation matrix to the model to be compared:

Model transformation

The data variable is an array of size $N \times 3$, $N$ being the number of points of the model and 3 its coordinates $X$, $Y$ and $Z$.

You need to add a homogeneous coordinate and apply the necessary transpositions for the matrix multiplication to work. Use the example given in the code to perform this step.

You can then display the result by uncommenting and completing the line datatools.draw_data....

Error display

Uncomment and display the error in the last part of the code, changing the “…” to the corresponding variables:

Error display

Etape 3 : comparaison des modèles

Compare the application of ICP on the models data02 and data03, notice the evolution of the error and the differences in values. What does this error represent? What can we say about the two models? Based on the errors, what decision threshold could you choose to determine whether a model is faulty or not?

ICP in CloudCompare

The ICP algorithm can also be used directly in CloudCompare. Open it and import data01_segmented.xyz, data02_object.xyz and data03_object.xyz.

Select for example the clouds of data01_segmented and data02_object, use the Tools > Registration > Fine registration (ICP) tool. Make sure the reference is data01 and apply ICP. Running it returns the transformation matrix calculated by the algorithm, and applies it to the object.

ICP in CloudCompare

We can then, still selecting the two clouds, calculate the distance between the points with Tools > Distance > Cloud/Cloud Distance. Make sure that the reference is data01 and click on OK/Compute/OK. Select data02_object and display the histogram of its distances to the reference cloud via Edit > Scalar fields > Show histogram.

Histogram of point to point distances of data02 vs. data01

Do the same thing with data03_object and compare the histograms. How do you interpret them? How can you compare them?

Claire Labit-Bonis
Computer vision and AI engineer


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